Before you attempt to make your payment, please call your credit card company as this is an international online transaction, and your credit card company may decline the payment initially for your protection.

We use a Mexican bank for all of our Visa and MasterCard Payments. In order to ensure your payment goes through without any problems, when you call your credit card company, ask to speak to someone in the Fraud/Security Department. This is the only department that can help you with this process. The person answering the telephone cannot help, as it is a call center.

When you have the correct department, advise them that you are having problems with authenticating your card online as the merchant is using a 3D Secure System. Advise them that you are trying to make an online payment in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico for the amount of your payment in US dollars.

Depending on the Credit Card Company, you may be asked to set up a password for your account with us. In doing so, they may ask for personal information such as your date of birth or your last digits of your social security number. Each bank is different and this is being asked by the credit card company, not PVRPV.

If you are still having difficulties, please do not hesitate to contact anyone of our Vacation Services Coordinators to help you with your payment process.

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